As I write this, Erin is going to sleep in her swing. It is a good way to end an extremely lousy week. She and I are home alone, as Sheila is driving to Bloomington to watch nieces Caroline and Megan play in the state girls volleyball championship game. They are absolutely amazing. I wish we both could go, but we don't want to subject Erin to the long drive.
She has made some progress this week with her right hand, thanks mostly to Priscilla and Sheila's diligent efforts to get her to continue to improve her dexterity. They have worked with her all week on reaching first with her right hand, opening it all the way, and holding various toys. At night, Erin has been noticeably tired from the schooling that Priscilla is putting her through. It has been a mixed bag, as over the week following the appointment on Monday (see last update) we have been keenly aware of her issues, but also seeing some improvement.
She is eating food now, having a bowl of oatmeal in the morning and a bowl of rice at night. She doesn't like the oatmeal, but seems to enjoy the rice. Watching her eat is a sight, as she gets the food all over her. She needs to be continuously distracted to get her to laugh and open her mouth to accept a spoonful, and Sheila and Priscilla have resorted to creating a dinner theater of pantomime and other skits to entertain her while she eats. It is hilarious to watch.
Erin's personality continues to grow by leaps and bounds. She is very outgoing, happy virtually all the time, and extremely expressive. The photo's have all been taken in the past week, and give but a small glimpse of who Erin is. One of these days I will get creative and post some video of her, when I have the time. There doesn't seem to be much of that these days.