It has been an eventful month since Erin's last update. She continues to change almost daily. Sitting is no longer a novelty, but something she does with ease. We can take her to dinner and she will sit in a highchair without fussing, entertaining herself with various toys or by just looking around. She is trying hard to crawl, getting up on all fours and rocking herself.
Erin's latest trick is to pull herself up to a standing position in her crib when she isn't ready to go to sleep. She thinks she is hilarious when she does this. We have already lowered the crib once, and it looks like another level down is in the very near future.
In terms of health, we met with the neurologist for her six month follow up in January between Scottsdale trips. While the report was generally good, they can definitely detect some stiffness in her right limbs, a consequence of Erin's stroke. It makes me very sad to think that her physical abilities will be compromised in some manner. At this point, we just don't know to what extent, if any, she will be limited. We continue to have Early Intervention come once a month to examine her and suggest various things we can work with her on to help her overcome any impact of the stroke.
The last week has been a challenge. Erin developed a cold in Scottsdale, and spent a week with a stuffy nose. It ultimately turned into diarrhea, which is now on day 6. The fear with diarrhea is that she could become dehydrated, which would be very serious with her condition. She has developed a very painful diaper rash. It breaks your heart to change her and see her cry because it hurts. Another one of Erin's new tricks is rolling over while you are trying to change her. Erin thinks this is great fun, trying to dodge one of us as we try and change her diaper and get her clothes back on. It makes for some interesting moments, trying to clean her up, medicate her rash, get her diaper back on, and get her dressed.
In spite of not feeling very well, Erin continues to exhibit a sunny disposition, smiling and laughing her way through the day. As always, she is absolutely a joy to be with.
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