Erin is doing fairly well without the Milrinone. Her lactate levels are higher than we would like, but they seem to have stabilized around 2.5. The doctors think that she looks wonderful, and are cautiously optimistic. One of the ways that they determine a baby's health is just by looking at the baby. Erin is a healthy pink, and energetic, which are all good signs.
It is hard to listen to the news that they are "cautiously optimistic." We don't want to get too excited and then have our hopes dashed. She is clearly not out of the woods yet regarding immediate surgery, but it is looking better. I am reminded of the first week when she was here, when we said goodbye to a favorite nurse who wouldn't be back until the following Monday. We were all convinced that we wouldn't be here when she returned. Oops.
Today Erin has been awake and alert for a spell, laughing and generally enjoying herself. She did not have a bowel movement this morning during my shift...hopefully that will come this afternoon during Mommy's shift! :-)
In addition to being off the Milrinone, the oxygen weaning has begun. It is a two part process, with the first step to lower the amount of flow, and then the amount of oxygen in the flow. Currently she is at 100% oxygen and high flow (4). She has been lowered today to a flow rate of 3. So far, there seems to be no adverse effect, although it is only a subtle change.
2nd picture: "What can I get from Daddy?"
3rd picture: "I've got him wrapped up tight."
She's so beautiful; who can say no?
Nancy C.
In reading Jim's well written and heartfelt blogs everyday, one feels that it will be ok for Erin to get from Dad his writing skills and sense of humor.
In looking at the photos of Jim holding the baby,Erin is beautiful and thank God she takes after her mother.
She definetely looks better and better everyday... Dad however ?! You may need some rest soon!!!
Leon and Joy
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