Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday, July 23

Erin continues to be status quo. She isn't getting better, but isn't necessarily getting worse. The doctors feel that she looks better, although I still think that she is pale. We are now giving her medication to get her hemoglobin levels up, thinking that might help. She is basically at an in between state. She isn't a good candidate for a shunt operation right now, as her heart is pumping sufficient blood without it that adding in a shunt could cause her heart to send too much blood to the lungs, resulting in congestive heart failure. Additionally, they really want to avoid the surgery at this stage in her life, as it has it's own set of issues and complications. But currently, Erin isn't strong enough to pump enough blood without medical management. Hence the in between state, which means her stay in ICU continues to be open-ended.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Sheila, Jim and Erin,

Emily, Kate and I continue to say prayers for you and Erin every night. Today we went on an outing with the kids next door and their babysitter Erin. Emily told the babysitter how hard we were praying for your Erin to get better. Have faith that all the people in your life are thinking and praying for you daily.

With such a difficult situation, it's hard to know when/if to visit.
But always know we are only a phone call away. (I just bought a helicopter which offers quick transport from Naperville!)


Amy. Emily & Kate