Another roller coaster day, unfortunately. Erin continues to look pale, a trend that began showing itself yesterday. Her blood gases and readings are good, but she is clearly pale. Her oxygen sats have been hovering in the low 80's since her oxygen was reduced, and overnight were more in the high 70's. Naturally, as I write this and glance at the monitor, the sat level is 90.
Her oxygen is being reduced again to 35%, and the drug that works on her blood pressure is being eliminated. The Lasik is going from an intravenous application to oral. In rounds that just concluded, neonatologist Robin Steinhorn explained that asking her to eat and grow the way that we are is the equivalent of running mile after mile, taking a tremendous amount of energy. It just may be that she is at her limit in terms of her ability to cope with her heart issues. There is concern all around at this point, but all we can do is sit and wait to see how she does.
It is both maddening and disheartening.
1 comment:
I know how hard it must be for you guys. Hang in there, and know that you and little Erin are in our thoughts and prayers. -Mark & Heather
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