Erin made it through the new picc line with flying colors. They brought her back after about an hour, and she seemed fairly calm, other than being pissed off that she was being moved around. As soon as she was down, I changed her diaper and then Sheila held her hands until she fell asleep. It just amazes me how peaceful she looks when she sleeps.
When you go out for lunch, every restaurant is filled with Children's Memorial employee id's. As a parent, you are given a gold band that you wear around your wrist until your child is released. Sort of like what you would get at a party, only this isn't a party you want to attend. Anyway, you stand out to the CM employees. At lunch, we saw one of the nurses who had assisted in Erin's picc line procedure. She said that Erin was a very brave little girl who was a Sweetie addict. She spent the whole procedure sucking on her binky loaded with the sucrose and water mix, which gives a baby a little high.
Post lunch, her readings have been very good. Oxygen is in the mid to high 90's, which is fantastic. She did seem to have a little fever spike and got very angry. She wasn't really crying, but seemed really angry. I would be mad at the world too if I were in her position. She has every right.
Nurse Janet was kind enough to go to the extensive trouble to allow Sheila to sit and hold Erin, which she is doing now. Maybe the best part is the look on Sheila's face as she holds Erin. I have never seen Sheila look so peaceful or contented. It makes the roller coaster we have been on all worth it.
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